Our clinic largest private mental health partnership, with a carefully selected nationwide team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists. We only work with highly experienced and capable partners who share our values.
Counsellors work with specific issues which arise from current life events. There are different specialities such as bereavement counselling, marriage or relationship counselling.
Gestalt Counselling
Couples and Relationship Counselling
Bereavement Counselling
Addiction Counselling
Skype Counselling
What Our Clients Say
“I found the staff professional and kind, explaining the process to me every step of the way. I understand myself more clearly now and have begun to make positive changes in my life. There was such a high level of customer service.”
John Nickelson
Founder IT Hub
“I found the staff professional and kind, explaining the process to me every step of the way. I understand myself more clearly now and have begun to make positive changes in my life. There was such a high level of customer service.”
Samuel Williams
Founder IT Hub
“I found the staff professional and kind, explaining the process to me every step of the way. I understand myself more clearly now and have begun to make positive changes in my life. There was such a high level of customer service.”
Karren Johnson
Founder IT Hub
Meet Our Counsellors
We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them. We interview every potential partner in person before we agree to work with them, as well as carrying out rigorous background checks.
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